Virtual Terminal
The Virtual Terminal is a browser-based point-of-sale system that comes complimentary with an account. It allows businesses to accept both card-present and card-not-present transactions in-person or over-the-phone.
It’s secured with patented tokenization and can be paired with devices protected by PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE). You can even integrate our powerful P2PE devices to your Virtual Terminal, for transactions protected by EMV or chip card technology.
Securely accept payments and access real-time reporting from anywhere.
Our patented tokenization replaces your customers’ sensitive data with tokens that are useless to hackers.
Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE)
Our PCI-validated P2PE protects cardholder data throughout the full lifecycle of a transaction.
Integrated Devices
Seamlessly integrated devices make it easy to swipe, dip and tap cards while using the Virtual Terminal.